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Build for MiniPay

Pre-Registration for Celo Camp Batch 10

is now open!

Home: Services

Fostering Ideation And Creation

A 5-week virtual experience where developers, designers and dreamers come together to build a monetary system that creates conditions of prosperity for all

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Develop as an entrepreneur and learn how to launch and scale a project by leaders in crypto

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Surround yourself with people who are committed to making an impact

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Find your purpose and increase your impact on the world

Celo Camp Mentors 

Media Coverage 


The Buzz

"Celo Camp hits the gas from day one. It covers all the bases and immerses you in a vibrant community where everyone wants you to succeed!"

Mark Tsang Creator at AgriUT


"Celo Camp showed me a vibrant community with top-notch mentors that help you along every step of the way. Definitely recommended if you want to accelerate your Web3 journey in a friendly, ethical and open environment."

Giel Detienne

DeFi builder at GoodGhosting


Incubator Benefits

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Pre-Camp Events

Key Dates

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Applications Open!

April 9th, 2024

Application Deadline

May 6th, 2024

Participants Announced

May 22nd, 2024

Celo Camp

May 27th - July 25th (2024)

Demo Day

July 24th, 2024

Winners Announced

August, 2024

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Camp Map 

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Partners & Perks

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Celo Camp Team 

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No matter what stage your project and team is at, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Celo Camp at

Newsletter Subscription

Home: Subscribe
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